Welcome to the hospital group Gesundheit Nord. We are the largest healthcare provider in Bremen and of the surroundings of Lower Saxony. The Bremen Hospital Group comprises of four hospitals: Klinikum Bremen Mitte, Klinikum Bremen-Nord, Klinikum Bremen-Ost and Klinikum Links der Weser.
Each year 250,000 people receive medical treatment in our hospitals and ambulances. We stand for the best collaborative achievements networked under one umbrella.
Communications at eye level and medical science of excellent quality help you profit from our experiences. We ensure you will feel comfortable and and recieve the best care at our hospitals.
On our web page we want to give you an insight into our company and our medical spectrum. Furthermore, we want to supply you with all relevant information concerning your health.
Wann die Zentrale Notaufnahme und wann der Notdienst die richtige Anlaufstelle ist / Vortrag am Donnerstag, 14. November, im Klinikum Bremen-Nord
Am kommenden Mittwoch (13. November) findet wieder ein Vortrag in der Reihe „Gesundheit in Serie. Sie fragen – wir antworten“ im Haus im Park am Klinikum Bremen-Ost statt. Dabei geht es um das Thema „Ernährung im Alter und bei Demenz“. Der Infoabend…
Geschäftsführung informiert Aufsichtsrat über aktuellen Stand zur Fusion der Standorte Klinikum Links der Weser und Klinikum Bremen-Mitte
Am 24. Oktober lädt das Krankenhaus zu einem Infoabend zum Thema Bauchwandbrüche (Hernien) ein, am 7. November geht es um die Schaufensterkrankheit. Den Abschluss der dreiteiligen Serie bildet ein Abend zur Notfallversorgung in Bremen-Nord.
In case of emergency
Are you injured? Has a family member had an accident or does not feel well? In case of emergnecy please call for an ambulance which will get you to a hospital quickly and safely.
In case you come to hospital by yourself please announce this at the hospital's accident and emergency unit.
In all our departments you can easily get from the main entrance to the accident and emergency units. In case your child is ill or hurt and you can not reach your paediatrician you can come to our clinics' emmergency department round the clock.
The most important telephone numbers in case of emergency
The most important telephone numbers in case of emergency:
Police emergency call 110
Fire department and rescue service 112
Poisoning emergency number Lower Saxony/Bremen 0551 19240
Accident and emergency unit at
Klinikum Bremen-Mitte 0421 497 - 2020
Accident and emergency unit at
Klinikum Bremen-Ost 0421 408 - 1291
Accident and emergency unit at
Klinikum Bremen-Nord 0421 6606 - 1443
Accident and emergency unit at
Klinikum Links der Weser 0421 879 - 1206
Emergency ambulance at the Prof.-Hess-Kinderklinik at the
Klinikum Bremen-Mitte 0421 497 5410
Emergency ambulance at the paediatric clinic at the
Klinikum Links der Weser 0421 879 1478
Emergency ambulance at the paediatric clinic at the
Klinikum Bremen-Nord 0421 6606 – 1371