Gesundheit Nord gGmbH | Klinikverbund Bremen
(0421) 497 0
Gesundheit Nord gGmbH | Klinikverbund Bremen
Kurfürstenallee 130
28211 Bremen
Postal address:
Gesundheit Nord gGmbH | Klinikverbund Bremen
28102 Bremen
Management Medicine
Spokeswoman for the Management
Dr. Dorothea Dreizenter
Management Finance
Heike Penon
Bremen district court
HRB 21773
VAT ID number
De 813 850 327
Supervisory board chairman
Senatorin Claudia Bernhard
Responsible regulating authority
Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection.
Contrescarpe 72
28195 Bremen
Responsible in terms of the Press Law and the § 5 TMG (German Teleservices Act)
Karen Matiszick
(0421) 497 79051
(0421) 497 19 81051
Representative for medical product safety >>
You can contact the representative for medical product safety on the following e-mail address:
VisionConnect GmbH
Hohenzollernstraße 26
30161 Hannover
(+49 511) 76071 - 110
(+49 511) 76071 - 101